Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013



Look up illustration/story artists:
  • Leila Marzocchi
  • Aya Kato
  • Jiri Trnka

In an effort to find a storybook from my childhood without remembering the name or much of the cover, I've discovered a lot of cool art when searching for childrens' illustrated books in the 1980's.

In the time of I Wonder What's Under and a bit before Where the Wild Things Are, there was a book that looked to be in a 70's-80's illustration style, flat coloring (gouache or watercolor), a woman with orange wavy hair, food items (like ice cream), a very wavy style with wavy shapes... and I don't recall much else beyond that. Something about ice cream or flavors or something...? I yearn to remember!

Friday, March 1, 2013


A study on animated expressions/gestures, brought to you by My Little Pony and Calvin & Hobbes..

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Alone and Damaged

Abandoned cars, re-posted from a friend on Facebook.See more here.

Also, cool creepy figure art, from here.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Military Style Coats

Military-style women's coats...

More than the styles below, I like the contrast between the models, especially the flow of the one on the right.

 The picture below... Love it. The model's angles, the face, the jacket, the peek-a-boo belt, the tutu skirt... It's just missing some fingerless gloves and maybe some black hair extensions to maybe merge Madonna with Avril.

 Love the style of that cowl neck.
The jacket below I can imagine being scratchy and uncomfortable, but I just think the model's hair is adorable.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recycled Cargo Apartments

I saw this on some kind of nonfiction tv program a while back: turning cargo holders (like railroad cars etc.) into apartments! Whoo recycling!

Stop Hating on The Gurls

(Art by LuckyFK on DeviantArt!)

Love this article about proper armor for ladies! (Found on Escher Girls.)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Abandoned Carnivals

Tickld abandoned amusement parks.

Abstract Paintings (Teal on the Mind)

Oh, no! Not abstract!

Yes. Abstract painting. Sometimes it's about the color and shape/movement; sometimes it's texture; sometimes it's merely a psychological/emotional connection. I look at a lot of art, and I'm skulking about Etsy tonight checking out some abstract pieces...

One. 11"x14" - $59

Two. 9.4"x11.8" - $60

Three. 9"x12" - $75

Four. 16"x20" - $130

Five. 6"x13.5" - $59

Six. 15"x22" - $50

Seven. 36"x48" - $150

Eight. 11.8"x15.7" - $78

Monday, January 21, 2013

Katy Perry: Supa-Style Royalty

So... Katy Perry. The word "bombshell" doesn't begin to describe her. Any time I see a cute dress, my first thought isn't, "Oh man, I would totally rock that"-- it's "How amazing would Katy Perry look in that?"
While I'm going through my bizarre gumball-dispensing machine fad, I'm staring at that dress on Ms. Perry's perfect body and appreciating the fact that, yes indeed, that mini-dress exists, and it is being displayed properly.

Also, I need to point out the rockabilly-style high ponytail. Yep. She rocks that, too. Perhaps even better than Fergie.